AAT Minutes of the General Meeting 12/2/2023

Great Lake Community Centre, Miena


Gary France Chair, Howard Jones Vice Chair, Terry Byard Exec Committee, Exec Committee, Jonathan Wadwell Exec Committee, Nick Baldock NWFA, Keith Symons Independent South Tony Wright Executive Officer.

Guests: Steve Paterson IFS and David Frelek Games Services NRE


Mark Rockliff Independent NW, Wayne Bellette Tas Fly Tyers Club, Phillip Charlesworth NWFA,

Adrian Hope Tas Flyfishing Association, Peter Coventry Devonport Anglers, Malcolm Crosse Exec Committee, Peter Wisniewski NWFA

Minutes of last GM

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 November 2022 held at the Great Lake Community

Centre were previously distributed. It was moved by Terry Byard and seconded by Jonathon Wadwell that the minutes be accepted. Motion approved

Inland Fisheries Service Report 

Steve Paterson addressed the meeting regarding matters from the previous minutes, current IFS matters and answered questions from the floor: 

The IFS Report is attached as Appendix 1

Finance Report

The profit and loss report and balance sheet as at the 31 January 2023 had previously been distributed. Tony Wright advised that as things were progressing, he expected a year end deficit of $16,000 and a year end bank balance of $36,000 subject to no unforeseen or unbudgeted expenses. It was moved by Keith Symons and seconded by Nick Baldock that the report be accepted. Motion approved.  

Presentation Game Services Tasmania NRE  

Davis Frelek Wildlife Management Officer advised the current distribution of fallow deer in Tasmania and the issues associated with deer establishing themselves outside currently accepted zones. He advised of the Deer Scan app that could be used by anglers to provide information on the location of deer within anglers areas of activity. He commented that this citizens science was essential to assist in establishing accurate distributions. He further advised that a cull would be undertaken in May, June 2023 in the TWHA by helicopter using thermal seeking imaging to locate animals. 


Matters Arising 

  • Terry  Byard and Malcolm Crosse had conducted an evaluation of facilities at Dago Point. The report had been previously distributed. The report was forwarded to the Secretary NRE for consideration. Receipt of the report was acknowledged and it has been forwarded to relevant staff for advice.

  • Howard Jones reported on the Duns project. Penstock Lagoon had been chosen as the research site due to the fact that it was relatively isolated. The initial stage involved the collecting of information. Bug sampling was being conducted to establish a base line for the diversity on insects and their numbers and ratios. Water and sediment sampling was continuing they were fortunate that Hydro Tas was undertaking hydro carbon testing of samples. Drone surveys had identified disturbance of the floor of the lagoon and the impacts on habitat. It was proposed in the first instance to attend to manageable issues only however management recommendations will come out of the research.

  • Tony Wright reported that Huon Aquaculture had agreed to sponsor the clubs junior angling programs with the supply of 2500 fish from Millibrook hatchery on an ex-hatchery basis. The fish would be available from the end of March to around the end of August. The size was estimated at 600 grams. It was agreed that Tony would contact the clubs to assess their requirements and expected delivery windows. 



A letter had been forwarded to the Brighton Council regarding the reinstatement of the Bridgewater boat ramp at an alternate location. The current ramp was removed as part of the development of the new Bridgewater bridge. The Council were responsible for the Master Plan relating to the bridge development and the boat ramps replacement was at their discretion under the plan.


General Business

  • Gary France advised of the website changes that had been made regarding the code of practice in respect of fish handling. It was proposed that a YouTube video be prepared on fish handling practice showing how to handle fish for maximising their chances of survival on release.

  • Steve Paterson demonstrated the IFS compliance app and the current approach to compliance which included the collection of angling information. A request is to be made to the Director of Inland Fisheries to seek the data on Penstock Lagoon.

  • A meeting is to be held on Monday 20 March 2023 1.00pm at IFS offices to review the results of the value of the fishery survey with UTAS researchers. The survey questions were to be provided to IFAC.

  • It was reported Neil Pinkard of the STLAA requested that the minutes of general meeting be posted on the AAT website. Tony Wright agreed to organise this as the omission was an oversite.


Next General Meeting is Sunday 14 May  2023 at the Great Lake Community Centre   


Appendix 1
Inland Fisheries Service Report Anglers Alliance Meeting

12 February 2023


  • Lake Mikany Boat Ramp Upgrade.  It is anticipated that the upgrade will occur before the end of the 2022/23 financial year pending funding decisions and TasWater assessment. 

  • Due to unavailability of contractors, the work on the Huntsman Lake jetty will be postponed until Autumn 2024.

  • Little Pine Lagoon boat ramp and jetty works are planned to commence on 1 March 2023.

  • Western Lakes Wilderness Fishery Road maintenance and improvements is planned to commence mid-February 2023.

  • Cost estimates for Shannon Lagoon foreshore track works have exceeded budget, and this project will not be undertaken.

  • Junior Angling participation has increased from 1337 (2021-22) to 1529 year to date (2022-23) and is the highest for over twenty years. This increase is attributed to a combination of the fee waiver and the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion.  

  • With the capture of a tagged trout from Lake Rosebery on 19 November 2022, brings the total of 12 tagged trout being caught for the 2022-23 season.  There are still 80 tagged trout to be caught in the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion 2022-23.  Locations: with one each from the Curries River Reservoir x 1, Briseis Mine Hole x 1, Bronte Lagoon x 2, Lake Leake x 1 and yingina / Great Lake x 1, Lake Mackintosh x 3, Arthurs Lake x 2 and Lake Rosebery x 1.

  • Recent surveys in January – no carp.  A major juvenile carp survey is planned for March 2023.  An annual carp workshop will be held after survey to determine the future direction of the program.

  • For the 2022-23 financial year YTD, Inland Fisheries Officers have performed 2,829 recreational fishing inspections and 368 boating safety inspections.



Samuel Shelley

Photographer, based in Tasmania, Australia


Historic induction into the Tasmanian Angling Hall of Fame


AAT General Meeting 6th November 2022