AAT’s Position on Hatcheries
Freshwater Salmon Hatcheries
In the light of recent ongoing media coverage of the salmon industry AAT is seeking to become to become more adequately informed in order to better respond to angler concerns.
Adam Chapman, Environmental Manager Freshwater Operations from Huon Aquaculture, addressed AAT’s May meeting focussing on Huon’s hatchery operations on Tasmanian rivers. In an informative presentation, Adam outlined the Layout, operating procedures, and monitoring compliance data from each of Huon’s flow through hatcheries. Adam also highlighted monitoring regimes put in place to counter specific concerns raised by anglers.
AAT’s Position on Hatcheries
Salmon hatcheries providing stock to marine farms rely on the pristine reputation of Tasmanian river water.
Anglers have repeatedly contacted AAT with concerns related to the quality of water being returned to rivers and perceived downstream habitat degradation associated with hatcheries.
AAT supports anglers who believe the quality of water returned to the stream from the hatchery should be at least of an equal standard to that extracted
AAT expects all flow through hatcheries to demonstrate returned water meets the pristine water quality standards set by the EPA
AAT anticipates that all future hatchery development be fully recirculating systems