Wind Farm EPBC Submisson
28 August 2019
EPBC 2019/8497
Epuron , St Patricks Plains Wind Farm
Anglers Alliance Tasmania is the peak body that represents some 27,000 licenced freshwater anglers many who are long time shack owners and users of the area , enjoying its natural values of remoteness, silence and connectivity to nature, free from the pressures and influences of modern society.
The huge scale of the proposed wind farm, which surrounds the eastern approach to the Central Highlands, with 67 turbines 240M high, will have a massively intrusive visual impact on the landscape resulting in an unacceptably immense loss of amenity to the area for anglers, shack owners at Penstock , Shannon, Flintstone and Wilburville as well tourists accessing the Central Highland lakes via the Highland Lakes Road.
Arthurs Lake and Penstock Lagoon, two trout waters with very high angler visitation, are in close proximity to the proposed wind turbines and the angling experience will be severely diminished by turbine towers dominating the horizon ( see below )
Penstock Lagoon looking from Beginners Bay to Hollis Bay
Another important consideration is the presence of Wedge Tail Eagles, a threatened species, two of which were recorded, on the AAT webcam, flying low over Penstock Lagoon last week. Sea Eagles , Black Swans, a number of species of Duck, Grebes, Kingfishers, Masked Owls, migratory birds and bats also inhabit the area forming a rich diversity of birdlife. The close proximity of their habitat to the wind turbines will certainly lead to fatal collisions as has been experienced on other windfarms.
Anglers Alliance Tasmania believes that for above reasons the windfarm should not proceed at this location and alternative sites with less impact should be investigated.
Denis Edwards
Executive Officer
Anglers Alliance Tasmania Inc