AAT Genneral Meeting 8/11/15

PresentGary France Chair, Terry Byard Vice Chair, John Broomby Northern Forum, Howard Jones BOD Sports Anglers, Alan Gordon BOD Sports Anglers, Michael Caminada Independent North, Keith Symons Independent South, Denis Edwards, John Diggle Director IFS, Greg Carson and David Ikedife Hydro. ApologiesMalcolm Crosse, Mike Stevens , Charles Thompson, Sheryl Thompson, Phil Williams, Adrian Hope Water level management Bronte, Little Pine, Penstock and St Clair LagoonsPrior to addressing anglers concerns of fluctuating water levels of the above waters, Greg Carson and David Ikedife from Hydro indicated that Hydro want to have more engagement with anglers, and where possible accommodate anglers preferred water levels during the fishing season.Some notes of opinions from Ken Orr, Bill Beck, Malcolm Crosse, Kingborough Anglers Association and the Tasmanian Fly Tyers Club were tabled and Greg Carson explained the operations affecting the water level regime.Obviously the operation of the outlet gates is critical in controlling levels and it was suggested that they may not be monitored frequently enough, and that more frequent monitoring should be implemented, enabling the water levels to be more finely tuned and better controlled.   The Bronte gates will be automated in the next year or two and there is an opportunity for angler’s preferences to be incorporated in the programming and also to be used to inform the revised Hydro/ IFS MOU. AAT is to formalise its member’s opinions and submit these to Hydro for consideration by the end of November.With the cost of automating the gates between $200,000 and $500,000 there are no plans to automate Little Pine or St Clair lagoons in the next 5 years.Greg Carson warned of the dire shortage of water, with inflows over the last year beinghalf the normal and during October one quarter the normal, but all efforts would be made to keep the lagoons topped up.The effort Greg and Dave made to attend the meeting was much appreciated and AAT looks forward to an ongoing positive relationship with Hydro. Minutes of previous meetingMotion: “to accept the minutes of the meeting held 19 July 2015 at Zeps Campell Town”Moved: J Broomby   Seconded: Terry Byard FinancialsFinancial statement was tabled showing at the 6 Nov 2015AAT Westpac TRADING A/C 17-1550           $   8,112.78 CRAAT Westpac GRANT A/C     47-7934           $ 12,311.01 CRAAT WEBCAM A/C is in the process of being set upHOF MyState A/C     727 3178                 $ 1,588.95 CRThe 2014/15 Annual Audit by Michael J Muller was tabled.Motion: “That the Financial Statement and the 2014/15 Audit be accepted”Moved: K Symons   Seconded: T ByardMYOB accounting software has been purchased and has been kindly set up by Roger Butler.The AAT business is becoming more complex and this will facilitate easier keeping of records, GST payments etc and will reduce the Auditors fees. Inland Fisheries Service ReportJohn Diggle tabled the comprehensive IFS Report, which was well received, and it included the following --Carp FundingLow rainfall and low lake levelsAngling Licence ComplianceWhitebait poachingRecent Biosecurity ConcernsDerwent River Spawning Trout Trap Rare fish found at Woods LakeLegislationCarp ReportAnglers AccessTalbots LagoonSouth Rianna DamFarm dam stocking for Public FishingLicencing and AdministrationIFS Annual Report was tabledIFAC reportFisheries Habitat Improvement FundComplianceHatchery and StockingAttendances at Club Events, Meetings and Dinners Junior Angling DayTerry Byard reported on the success of the statewide Junior Anglers Day held on Sun 11 Oct at Frombergs Dam, Ulverstone; Taylors Dam, Latrobe; Waverley Lake, Launceston and at the Juniors Pond , Bushy Park. Media coverage in papers, radio and TV resulted in good numbers of children participating (approx. 100 at each venue) and stocking of the venues by IFS ensured good catch rates.The inaugural event involved a huge amount of work by Terry Byard with great support from Gary France with the assistance of the many volunteers much appreciated. It was felt that it should become an annual event with improvements as a result of feedback ( eg more toilets; schedule so as not to clash with the Bathurst motor racing weekend; etc)Talbots LagoonJohn Diggle reported that access negotiations with Forico are going well and that this will be viewed by Forico as an important trial, before they consider granting access to other properties.Four Springs IFS is discussing disabled access with Forico.Bushfest Bothwell Sat21 Sun 22 NovT Byard has site booked and trailer organised, DE to liase with Highlands Council and TGALT . WebcamsEmail from M Crosse reported that all cameras are operating normally and Four Springs camera will be upgraded with the original repaired camera, in the next month.Fine tuning (including horizon adjustments) is planned for Arthurs and Great Lake cameras.Future installations to be discussed.More effort needed on securing sponsorship and it was suggested at the meeting that a phone hookup with MC,TB, GF, DE should review the matter. CorrespondenceLake Barrington Email tabled from Kentish Council regarding vacancy on the Recreation Management Committee. John Broomby will step in to fill the vacancy.Lake Sorell  Email tabled from David Toohey, President of the West Hobart Angling Club expressing disappointment at the continued lack of maintenance of the toilet facilities , the ongoing weed and rubbish problems.Resolved that AAT to write to the Minister.Russell River Email tabled from Geoffrey Swan detailing the degradation of the Russell River below the Huon Aquaculture hatchery, which he states is a result of effluent discharge, from the Huon Aquaculture hatchery, that persists despite a number of EPN’s being served.There seems to be some doubt if a full circulation system is being used as claimed.AAT to write to Minister and EPA.Arthurs Lake water levels Email Dan van Holst Pellekaan tabled seeking information on the proposed operating regime. AAT have replied and this was also tabled.Carp Funding AAT letter to Greg Hunt tabled seeking continued funding for IFS carp eradication program.Forestry and Forico Emails tabled seeking stakeholder input to proposed derogation of pesticides. AAT position remains the same and submission to reflect this.EPA Notification Procedure for Pollution Incidents and Fish Kills was tabled . Howard Jones suggested the information be put in a smaller format that could be put in anglers gloveboxes.Mossy Marsh Access Hydro have agreed to a Licence Agreement to allow an AAT key on the boom gate giving vehicle access to the dam wall. M Caminada will consider a workable approach to key location etcLake Dulverton media release tabled General BusinessJ Broomby suggested that in order to have a more active Committee any long term meeting absentees should be replaced as required by the Constitution.A Gordon reported on the poor health of the Break O’Day River, the absence of mayflies and low numbers of fishM Caminada reported the poor quality of water, and inedible fish at Brushy LagoonT Byard suggested that the Constitution amendment “ Independent angler representatives should not be members of or aligned with any angling club or group” be included in the agenda at the next GM.The HOF ‘Management Notes ’and ‘Selection Criteria’ should also be discussed by the HOF Committee and finalised for submission to the AAT Exec Committee by the end of December to enable adoption at the Feb.GM.M Caminada suggested that a thank you letter be sent to Hydro for attending the meeting. NEXT MEETING will be on Sunday 21 Feb at the Miena Community Hall ACTION LISTExec Committee   Submission to Hydro on preferred lagoon levels by end of NovemberHOF Management Notes and Selection Criteria DE                                   Bushfest arrangementsLetter to Minister re Russell RiverPhone hookup to discuss webcam fundingSubmission to Forestry and Forico re proposed derogationReplacement Committee membersThank you letter to Hydro                           


IFS Report for AAT November 2015


AAT completes a very successful Junior Anglers Day