AAT General Meeting July 2015

ANGLERS ALLIANCE TASMANIAMINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING10am Sunday 19 July 2015, Zeps Campbell TownPresentGary France Chair, Terry Byard Vice Chair, Malcolm Crosse Exec Committee, Mike Stevens Exec Committee, Sheryl Thompson Chair Anglers Hall of Fame, Ray Aitshinson Hall of Fame Committee, John Broomby Northern Forum, Charles Thompson NWFA, Bruce Gilham Corralin FFand Casting Assoc, Christopher Cohen Corralin FF and Casting Assoc, Howard Jones BOD Sports Anglers, Alan Gordon BOD Sports Anglers, Adrian Hope Tas FF Assoc, Phil Blizzard Tas FF Asssoc, Michael Caminada Independent North, Keith Symons Independent South, John Diggle Director IFS .ApologiesPhil Williams, Roger Butler, John SmithMinutes of previous meetingMotion: “to accept the minutes of the meeting held 3 May 2015 at Zeps Campell Town”Moved: J Broomby Seconded: S ThompsonMatters arising>C Thompson advised that the Rosebery pontoon had been approved> S Thompson enquired on progress with the Fisheries Habitat Fund> The process of TWWHA Draft Plan was discussed>C Thompson reported that Lake Lea negotiations with Parks are continuing>H Jones enquired on AAT’s contact with EPAFinancialsThe financial report was presented at todays AGMInland Fisheries Service ReportJohn Diggle tabled the comprehensive IFS report and this is available on the AAT website.The report included the following –Carp FundingDeveloping the southern freshwater fisheryOpening of Brown Trout waters for 2015/16Brushy Lagoon stocking issuesComplianceTalbots Lagoon developmentsFarm dam stockingProtection of the Clarence GalaxiasRiver Derwent spawning trapTooms Lake fishery performance assessmentCarp updateShannon LagoonAngler Access - South Esk , Derwent River and Talbots LagoonRecreational Boating Fund projectsPumphouse Point accessLicencing and AdministrationHatchery and StockingBrown trout spawning runCarp funding AAT to lobby politiciansH Jones inquired when Pioneer Dam will be stocked by IFSClean Up Aust Day, 6 March 2016, clubs to be made aware of the benefitsWebcams M Crosse reported on the webcam installation, operational and maintenance costs review that highlighted the need for more sponsorship income for cameras.Battery and antenna upgrades have been done where necessary and a faulty camera at Four Springs replaced. This has raised the issue of the need for a small stock of spare parts to ensure continuity of webcam operation, and it was agreed that to start this process a new camera should be purchased.The possibility of showing all cameras on one screen to be investigatedSponsorship possibilities were discussed and included –Possible sponsorship for a group of camerasMajor and minor sponsors with major sponsor at bottom of imageApproach MaST for ongoing sponsorshipPossibility of club donations2 year and 5 year sponsorshipsMainland sponsors eg The Fly FisherEquipment suppliers eg Scientific AnglersSpirit of TasmaniaClarendon Casting PoolM Stevens presented an outline of the proposed $50,000 project at Clarendon on the South Esk which includes trout ponds for kids and casting, and anglers access to be done with Neil Morrow as part of the South Esk Anglers Access project.Any donations would be gratefully received and it was moved by M Crosse that AAT could contribute $3000, this was seconded by B Gilham.Other suggestions were that clubs could donate, and that it would be a great spot for a webcam with the Fly Fishing Museum as a possible sponsor.Junior Angling Day, Sun 11 Oct 2015T Byard summarised progress and outlined the following items that require action –> Venue finalisation> Briefing notes for media>Advertising/ media campaign to include Southern Cross, radio, angling columns, website, facebook etc. Email all clubs>Check insurances esp. for private waters>Registration process : under 14’s only; adults to accompany kids ; information sheet for parents> Fishing gearLiawenee Open DayFollowing discussions on the possibility of AAT taking on the junior fish out it was decided that it would be a big commitment, that logistics should be considered and that a decision should not be made for 1-2 years .Location of AAT stand to be discussed with Mark Asplin IFSBushfest 21/22 Nov 2015AAT/TGALT to share a stand and volunteers for the 2days needed.Hall of FameS Thompson reported that everything was running smoothly and that the next inductions will be in 2017.Sponsorships are being persued, budgeting being done and the Youl plaque is close to being finalised.It was suggested that an honour board for paid personnel (unable to be nominated because of the selection criteria) be considered.The notes on suggested operating guidelines and selection criteria were tabled and it was felt by some that they were too open and needed to be more specific.CorrespondenceTGALT letter tabled thanking AAT for their donation to the 150th Photographic Competition.Hydro Pieman Draft Plan tabled and phone numbers for Adrian Hope and C Thompson to passed on to Hydros project co-ordinator Nicole Sheriff.Tasmanian Conservancy letter tabled regarding the Clarence Galaxias recovery project on Skullbone Plains. Mike Stevens offered to represent the AAT.Fishing Habitat Fund letter to Rae and Partners regarding progress tabled together with their reply.AAT’s response to theTWWHA Draft Management Plan tabledTelstra sponsorship letter seeking sponsorship tabledForestry 3yr plan tabledScientific Anglers fly line day fly tabledShooters and Fishers Party letter tabled , a reply to be sent indicating that AAT does not want to be involved.General BusinessC Thompson presented the streamside car stickers that the NWFC use.H Jones raised the question on the jurisdiction of estuarine waters and J Diggle indicated that the Inland Waters Act can include estuarine waters.H Jones inquired if the freshwater hatcheries operating regulations are being looked at andJ Diggle indicated that they are and that the Russell River as being made more fullyre-circulating .A Gordon reported the very poor condition of the Scamander River and discussion indicated the cause may be lack of rainfall with flows causing a layering of salt and fresh water.NEXT MEETING will be in Nov (date to TBA) at the Australian Fly Fishing Museum, ClarendonACTION LISTExec Committee Clean Up Australia Day publicityJunior Anglers DayPosition on Derwent Valley RailwayMC Possibility of all webcams on one screenTB Constitution ammendmentsDE Invite EPA for November GMWebsite updatesCarp Funding letterApproach MaST for ongoing fundingTelstra sponsorship


New Lake Mackintosh Webcam


AAT AGM July 2015