Anglers Alliance - May Minutes 2014

MINUTES FOR GENERAL MEETINGSunday11 May 2014Man O’RossHotel , RossPresentGary France TGALT Chair, Terry Byard STLAA Vice Chair, Malcolm Crosse Exec Committee, John Diggle Director IFS, John Broomby Northern Tasmanian Angling Clubs, Alan Gordon BOD, Charles Thompson NWFA, Sheryl Thompson NWFA, Wayne Maxwell NWFA, Bruce Gilham Corallin FFC, Amos Mapleston STLLA, , Michael Caminada Indep Nth , Denis Edwards Exec OfficerApologiesPhil Williams, Mike Stevens, Adrian HopeMinutes of previous meetingMotion: “to accept the minutes of the meeting held 16 Feb 2014 at Liawenee”Moved : Terry Byard Seconded: John BroombyMatters arising>Committee member attendance was discussed and it was resolved that a clause be added to the Constitution to prescribe requisite member attendance at meetings.>TB>Arthurs Lake camping issues to be taken up with Michael Bidwell, Hydro. >TB>Bertram Island willow removal. AAT has provided an anecdotal report to the contractor who will further discuss with Hydro. >TB>Volunteers for Ragwort weed control on Great Lake will be required for spring/summer.FinancialsFinancial statement tabled showing -TRADING A/C 17-1550 $35,010.18 CRGRANT A/C 49-7934 $ 2.40 CRMotion: “that the financial statement be accepted”Moved: Malcolm Crosse Seconded : Terry ByardInland Fisheries Service report John Diggle tabled a comprehensive report and this can be viewed on the AAT website.The report included the following -Litter problems at Lake KaraMAST RBF applicationsAnglers AccessLicensing and AdministrationCarp updateShannon LagoonArthurs Lake recruitment controlComplianceHatcheryLegislation AmendmentsThreatened fish conservationState River SurveysStocking chartsThe IFS assessment criteria for stocking farm dams was also tabled, as was a detailed response from the NWFA, and a discussion followed.The IFS MAST RBF submission for a concrete ramp at Penstock Lagoon was discussed and it was hoped that the ramp does not encourage large boats that are presently damaging the bed of this shallow water.Liawenee Open Weekend 17/18 May 2014John Diggle explained that this years event will be much improved with a revised format and extra activities.Constitution revisionsThe Constitution revised by Terry Byard and tabled at the last meeting will be put up for adoption at the AGM on the 17 August 2014. The draft constitution has been viewed by Murdoch Clarke , Barristers and Solicitors and was found to be “more than adequate”.Mission Statement Sam Shelley, our web designer has been engaged to review the AAT logo and graphics to integrate our letterhead , website, facebook , emails, banners etc . to give a smarter more contemporary look.As part of this process we are looking for a new “mission statement”. The present statement is “through the representation of all anglers, ensure the realisation and maintenance of the full potential of the fishery.”Something shorter, clearer, more concise, and contemporary is needed. Any suggestions will be welcome.GrantsThe Tas Community Fund grant application for an Anglers Access project to the South Esk has been lodged.An application to the MAST Recreation Boating Fund has been lodged for a webcam at Four Springs and also for remedial work at Woolmers boat ramp and Kalangadoo boat ramp at Lake Leake. Any suggestions for possible 2015 projects are needed.AAT has agreed to an IFS request for $5,000 to assist with proposed carparking at Miles Ford Bridge on the Mersey River.WebcamsMalcolm Crosse reported that shading problems will require the Bronte and Burbury webcams to be shifted or modified.>MCHighland Council sponsorship agreement to checked and other sponsorship opportunities to be sought.>DEBrumbys Creek webcam proposal to be progressed. >MC/GFSt Clair webcam proposal to be reviewed. MC/GFShannon LagoonJohn Diggle tabled results of work IFS has done on a feasibility review for establishing Shannon Lagoon as a viable fishery. This work is continuing in conjunction with Hydro.Tyenna RiverReply from EPA regarding pollution issues was tabled, stating that “ over the next year the EPA will be reviewing existing fish farm activities to determine if any further controls are necessary to ensure that water quality values are protected. The farm at National Park will be included in this review.”Lake KaraIn the IFS report Neil Morrow highlighted the litter problem on Lake Kara and a discussion of the history and possible future of the water followed. Some members of the NWFA are still aggrieved at the IFS past handling of the Lakes tenure and consequently, in response to Neil Morrow’s request , the NFWA was unable to get volunteers to monitor the litter problem.Large “Bass”boatsConcern was raised at the excessive noise and speed of some large Bass boats that appeared on some inland waters this year. Since there are no speed limits on most lakes, providing the inshore speed limits are being observed, no regulations are being broken.However their intrusion causes considerable loss of amenity to other anglers and on some waters their activities are plainly dangerous.AAT to write to Bass/bream competition body and MAST to make them aware of the problem together with a list of waters that are clearly not suitable for these large high horsepower boats. >DEArthurs boat ramp lightingHydro are no longer lighting the switchyard at Pumphouse Bay and alternate lighting is required. IFS to look at alternatives. >TB/MC/ Neil MorrowNorth East open waterJohn Broomby has received a request to investigate the possibility of finding a water suitable to be open for year round fishing in the north east. This may include some of the new irrigation dams. IFS/JB/AG/M.CaminadaRiver Health ProjectTerry Byard reported that Peter Davies has agreed to run a workshop to scope this project and a date will be set when Peter returns from overseas.>TBAmos Mapleston offered to do a paper on water quality that provides the best habitat for trout. >AMHighlands BushfestCentral Highlands Council is organising the inaugural Highlands Bushfest to showcase the Central Highlands region, its heritage, culture and communities. Venue is the Bothwell Recreation Ground Sat 15 and Sun 16 Nov 2014.AAT to take a 3m x3m stand at the cost of $150. >DEAnglers Hall of FameDiscussion was held on the status of the Anglers Hall of Fame and it was resolved that Gary France talk to Frank Hussey /Ken Orr about the AAT taking an administrative role in re-establishing this body.Gary France to keep Sheryl Thompson informed of progress. >GFWoods LakeGary France queried the performance of this lake over the last season. IFS will review visitation and harvest data. >IFSLake FergusA query from Bruce Gilham established that the hut at Lake Fergus is privately owned.Mossy MarshMichael Caminada queried the need for a boom gate on Mossy Marsh, as the only practical way to fish the water is by boat/kayak.AAT to follow up with Mike Bidwell, Hydro. >TBNEXT MEETING IS THE AGM 10 am SUN 17 AUGUST 2014 at ROSS ACTION LISTGF Hall of FameBrumbys webcamTB AAT Committee , meeting attendancesArthurs Lake campingRiver Health meeting dateMossy Marsh boom gateMC Webcam modificationsMC/GF Brumbys webcamIFS Woods Lake dataAM Paper on trout waterDE Highlands Council webcam sponsorshipBOM webcam sponsorshipBass boats letterBushfest stall


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Draft: Private Dam Stocking for Public fishing, Junior Development or Club Activities