Minutes Nov 2013
MINUTES FOR GENERAL MEETINGSunday 17 November 2013Man O’Ross HotelPresentGary France TGALT Chair, Terry Byard STLAA Vice Chair, Malcolm Crosse Exec Committee,Mike Stevens ,John Diggle IFS, John Broomby Northern Forum,Alan Gordon BOD, Charles Thompson NWFA, Sheryl Thompson NWFA, Amos MaplestonSTLAA, Michael Caminada Indep Nth, Denis Edwards Exec AssistantApologiesPhil Williams, Adrian Hope, Leroy Tirant, Roger Butler, Bruce Gilham, Steven Bax,Justin Causby.Minutes of previous meetingMotion: “to accept the minutes of the meeting held 15 September 2013”Moved: Mike Stevens Seconded: Terry ByardFinancialsFinancial statement tabled showing -TRADING A/C 17-1550 $33,108.29 CRGRANT A/C 49- 7934 $ 332.19 CRIt was resolved that the remainder of the Grant A/C be drawn in favour of the IFS.The accounts have been audited by Michael Muller Charted Accountant and were tabledat the AGM. The audit has been included in the Department of Justices “Annual Return of Association”Motion: “that the financial statement be accepted”Moved: Terry Byard Seconded : Malcolm CrosseInland Fisheries ReportJohn Diggle tabled an IFS report that included the following –Anglers Access Work on negotiating Derwent River access between Store Point and New Norfolk is well under way.South Esk funding application to the Tas Community Fund has been completed for lodging in the Feb. 2014 round.Recreational Boating Fund A development application has been lodged for a dual lane ramp and pontoon at Whitewater, Bradys Lake.31 solar powered navigation lights are being installed at popular boat ramps throughout the state.Hydro and IFS have improved the high water level boat launching capabilities at the Morass and Dam Wall at Arthurs Lake.Great Lake Access Tracks IFS have a long term lease with the landowner to maintain access from Canal Bay to Dud Bay. Anglers are reminded to respect the owners generosity of spirit.Carp Low water temperature and poor weather conditions have limited carp fishing opportunities and radio tracking is being used to monitor any aggregations. Sterile males fitted with radio transmitters have been released and are being monitored.Federal Govt funding with matched State Govt will provide $820,000 over 2014/15 to continue this vital project.Shannon Lagoon A turbidity logger has been installed and macrophyte mapping over summer will be compared with historical data to track changes over the last 6 years.Arthurs Lake Trout Recruitment A base line trout survey has been done to enable monitoring of trout population changes and enable future management of spawning runs and fish trapping on proposed weirs and fish traps on Tumbledown and Scotch Bobs Creeks.Construction work is on track for Feb/March 2014.Biological Consultancy IFS continues to carry out work for Hydro trapping native fish below the Reece Dam, Pieman River for transfer to Lake Pieman.Compliance statistics from 1/7/13 to 9/11/13 were tabledWhitebait. Reported on rivers open for fishing , number of licences sold and reduced catch rates for the season due to high flow rates.Hatchery . The stocking out of brown trout fry is on track and should be completed by the end of November. Due to the poor rainbow run in the Liawenee trap the number of rainbow fry stockings will be strictly prioritised for 2013/14.Stocking Latest stocking charts were tabledLegislation Submissions for regulation changes for 2014/15 season close 6th Dec 2013 and a list of submissions was tabled.Four Springs Survey Follow up surveys indicate a trout population of 19,167 (+/-,070),which higher than previously thought and indicates a low to moderate population. Most fish were 1 – 1.8 kg with some larger to 2.6 kg.Results of angler catch surveys were tabled also.Licencing and Administration IFS 2012/13 annual report report was tabled.Boat promotion closes on 30 Nov 2013 and will be drawn on 23 Dec 2013Licence sales at the start of Nov were estimated to be down 8% compared with the same time last year.A brief discussion took place on proposed regulation changes. The final date for submissions is 6 Dec 2013.WHA submissionJohn Broomby reported on a meeting with Colin Shepherds office and tabled a history of Kerrisons hut written by James Lyne.It was suggested that a consultant may be beneficial in preparing the submission.SesquicentenaryGary France reported that TGALT/Frank Hussey filming is going well.The sesquicentenary will provide an opportunity to rekindle the Anglers Hall of Fame and the AAT would be supportive of proposing Les Monson as an inductee.FacebookFacebook is being set up for AAT and it was proposed that Gary France be the administrator.WebcamsMalcolm Crosse reported that negotiations to locate webcams at Tullah Lodge on Lake Rosebery , and the Pump House on Lake St Clair were successful and it is proposed to go ahead with these projects at an estimated cost of $3,000 each.The possibility of a camera on Brumbys Creek to be further explored with Gary France.The idea of a trailer mounted mobile webcam (for approx. $6,500) was discussed , but it was thought the practical and administrative problems for use by various groups could be an encumbrance on the AAT.Mersey/ForthCharles Thompson reported on Hydro’s management review meeting he attended and pointed out that some matters need addressing, such as summer flows in the Wilmot Riverand that Lake Paloona does not form part of the plan.Charles will be nominated to represent the AAT on Hydro’s management review committee.Pump House PointAAT to ensure that angler access to the Lagoon and Basin be maintained as per the conditions of permit.Gowan BraeEmail from John Miedecke , Fly Tyers Club , tabled and access impasse was discussed. Mike Stevens to look into the matter.BOM Discussion on BOM’s proposal to increase the strong wind warning on central plateau lakes from 20kts to 26kts in line with the marine water strong wind warning of 26kts. It was thought that it would not be an issue.Longford/Mast Safety DayOn Sat.14 Dec 2013 a Boating and Fishing Fun Day will be held at Longford. Details to be posted on website.General Business• Tamar catchment , NRM North, nationally funded project. AAT to check details.• Charles Thompson expressed concern on the estuary limits for trout and atlantic salmon• NWFA – Ladies Day a girls day out trout fishing , Sat 7 Dec 2013. Flyer to be emailed to members• Alan Gordon expressed concern at the lack of fish in the St Pauls RiverNext MeetingSunday 16th Feb 2014 at IFS LiaweneeACTION LISTMC/GF Brumbys Creek webcam locationMC Lake St Clair webcam , email Josh BradshawJB/TB/DE Kerrisons Hut and WHA submissionDE Separate AAT and Grant A/C financial summariesNominate Charles Thompson as AAT rep on Mersey/Forth reviewSafety Day flyer, post on websiteCheck out NRM North/Tamar Catchment projectSet dates for 2014 meetings